Uzina Cup 2019 – Individual Competition – 5th Edition
Uzina Cup is an individual competition organized each year by our box, Uzina | Crossfit Columna, in Bucharest, Romania. Through 2 days of competition (23-24 November, 2019) you will be testing your forces, speed and stamina against top athletes from Romania and Europe.
Two days of competition that will bring to light “The Beast Within”!
About Uzina Cup Competition
2 Days of Competition
23-24 November, 2019
Registration Deadline
15 November, 2019
Registration Fee
150 Lei / 32 EUR – if paid until Oct. 31st
175 Lei / 37 EUR – if paid after Oct. 31st
6 Categories
ELITE – women, ELITE – men,
SCALED – women, SCALED – men,
MASTERS 35+ – women, MASTERS 35+ – men
All WODs will be announced on briefing day
(Friday, Nov. 22nd).
How to sign up
Step 1: choose a category
Here are some of the ELITE standards:
- Muscle-up
- Chest to bar
- HSPU with deficit
- Toes to Bar
- Wall Balls: 20lbs (M) / 14 lbs (W)
- Rope climb (legless for men)
- Double Unders
- Pistols
- Snatch: 55kg (M) / 35kg (W)
- Clean & Jerk: 75kg (M) / 50kg (W)
If you are unable to execute more than 2 of the movements from ELITE standards, you can sign up to the SCALED division:
- Pull-ups
- Knees above parallel
- Rope climb
- Single Unders
- Snatch: 35kg (M) / 20kg (W)
- Clean & Jerk: 50kg (M) / 35kg (W)
Starting this year, we have added MASTERS 35+ division, men / women:
- Muscle-up (M) / Chest to bar (F)
- Rope climb
- Double unders
- Snatch: 50kg (M) / 25kg(F)
- Clean & Jerk: 70kg (M) / 40kg (F)
- Toes to bar (M) / Knees above parallel (F)
Step 2: Fill in the registration form and pay online
Registrations are now opened – register and pay online before October 31st and get a 15% discount!