V-Day Throwdown 2018: Team Competition
V-Day Throwdown is a competition in teams of two, organized by our box, Uzina | Crossfit Columna in Bucharest, Romania. Through 2 days of competition (5-6 of May, 2018) your team will compete against top athletes from Romania and Europe.
Get yourself a partner and show us what you got!
Competition Details
2 Categories
Beginners and Elite
Team Details
Each team will have one female athlete and one male athlete.
Follow this page and competition’s event to find out more.
Registration Fee
120 Lei (26 EUR) / athlete
240 Lei (52 EUR) / team
Competition Kit
Competition T-shirt, participation diploma
Registration Deadline
28th of April, 2018
To sign up:
1. Fill in the registration form bellow
2. Pay the registration fee through bank transfer before registration deadline.
Bank Transfer Details:
Recipient: SC Uzina CrossFit SRL
CUI: RO31239092
RON transfer IBAN: RO68 BREL 0002 0013 1140 0100
EUR transfer IBAN: RO30 BREL 0002 0013 1140 0202
Payment Details: V-Day 2018 – [Contestant Name, Team Name, City]
Nu stii la ce categorie sa concurezi? Iata 3 probe din cele 4:
Elite WODs:
WOD 1: Double Grace
Time cap: 7 minutes60 Clean & Jerk with 60kg (135lbs) for men and 43kg (95lbs) for women.
Posted by Uzina on Friday, 27 April 2018
WOD 2A & 2B: For Time
Time cap: 12 minutes
Each partner has to choose one of these two workouts:
2A: For time…Posted by Uzina on Friday, 27 April 2018
WOD 3: For Time
Time cap: 12 minutes
The team has to perform a total of:
50 Calories row
40 Toes to bar
30 Kettlebell…Posted by Uzina on Friday, 27 April 2018
Beginner WODs:
WOD 1: Double Grace
Time cap: 7 minutes60 Clean & Jerk with 43kg (95lbs) for men and 29.5kg (65lbs) for women.
Posted by Uzina on Friday, 27 April 2018
WOD 2A & 2B: For Time
Time cap: 12 minutesEach partner has to choose one of these two workouts:
2A: For time…
Posted by Uzina on Friday, 27 April 2018
WOD 3: For Time
Time cap: 12 minutes50 Calories row
40 Knees above parallel
30 Kettlebell Clean & Jerk with 16kg for…Posted by Uzina on Friday, 27 April 2018
Consulta lista noastra de termeni des intalniti in CrossFit pentru indicatii despre executarea corecta a miscarilor.
Sign Up to V-Day 2018